Tabarka is a coastal town located in north-western Tunisia, close to the border with Algeria. In the Phoenician times it was a trading port, now combines modern with original. The old town attractions include Les Aquilles, Genoese fort on an island that is connected to land by a causeway.

Genoese Fort

This fort is Tabarka’s most instantly recognized landmark, sitting as it does on a wooded hill guarding the entrance to the harbor. It was built in the 16 centuries when Tabarka was a Genoese outpost surrounded by the Ottoman empire, and sat on an island until the French built a jetty to join it to the mainland.

Les Aiguilles

These needles are a formation of remarkable pinnacles of ochre-colored rock, situated just a short walk to the west along a seaside promenade of Tabarka. These distinctive rocks, about 20 m high and eroded into bizarre shapes by wind and water.

Air transport
Tabarka–Ain Draham International Airport is the most important airport of Tabarka, Tunisia. It is modern and one of the largest airports of the Africa. Tabarka Airport is currently served by Tunisair Express flights to Tunis.
Road transport
Located about 17 km of Tabarka–Ain Draham International Airport and 184 km of Tunis.
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